The Sermon on the Mount Series

A detailed review of Jesus' longest sermon - the Sermon on the Mount.


Sermon on the Mount 1
Matthew 5:1-2 (Jesus Taught Them)
Sermon on the Mount 2
Matthew 5:3-6 (The Beatitudes - Part 1)
Sermon on the Mount 3
Matthew 5:7-12 (The Beatitudes - Part 2)
Sermon on the Mount 4
Matthew 5:13 (Salt of the Earth)
Sermon on the Mount 5
Matthew 5:14-16 (Light of the World)
Sermon on the Mount 6
Matthew 5:17-48 (Laws Revamped)
Sermon on the Mount 7
Matthew 6:1-13 (The Lord's Prayer)
Sermon on the Mount 8
Matthew 6:24-34 (Take No Thoughts)
Sermon on the Mount 9
Matthew 7:1-11 (Judge Not; Ask, Seek, Knock)
Sermon on the Mount 10
Matthew 7:13-27 (Four Choices)
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